Thank you for considering Activated Ministries for your car donation. We appreciate and need every vehicle that comes our way. While receiving car donations allows us to fund more of our exciting projects around the globe, there are other ways that giving your car away benefits everybody.
For one, car donation is changing people's lives every day in this country. Donors are getting rid of old clunkers they'd never use in a million years, cleaning up their yard, and getting great tax breaks in the process. Recipients are finally getting the help they need to kick start their lives and get things back on track. All in all, it's a great boon to society.
Another thing: we're starting to get the older cars off the road, the cars that cause a lot of the pollution that's giving our world fits. People who are doing car donation are then going out and buying newer, more economical cars. This stimulates our beleaguered economy, especially the faltering automobile sector, and it helps ensure that our children's children will face a better future with less man made pollution. And that's a very, very good thing.